3' x 2' Street Witnessing Gospel Signs

Regular Lettering: $20 each
(A-Blue on White, B-Black on White, C-Red on White, or D-White on Black)

Reflective Lettering: $40 each
(E-Reflective White on Black or F-Reflective Red on White)
There will generally be a one-time customizing charge of $10 for any messages not shown on this website.

Our 3' x 2' signs are made from corrugated plastic with vinyl letters. Whether held up before the people or mounted in a self-standing frame for sidewalk use, these lightweight gospel signs make effective street witnessing tools.

These vertical signs in general have more words, and therefore smaller letters, than the 2' x 3' horizontal signs do. They are most effective where the traffic is moving slowly such as in foot traffic or slower-moving vehicle traffic. They can easily be taped together to form a double-sided sign or strapped together and used as a sandwich-board.

Just one hour on a busy street corner will plant seeds of God's Word into the minds of thousands of people.

Click on a sign below to enlarge it. Then hover the enlarged version for Next and Previous buttons.